Suet Seed cakes

Stuff needed to make it

2 pounds beef suet
1/2 pound sunflower seeds
1 cup millet
1 cup cracked corn
1 cup crushed peanuts (ground)

How to make the craft item

Grind suet. Place in large pot and cook slowly over low heat until smoothly melted.
Let cool to a semi liquid state.
Stir in nuts. Spread into shallow rectangle foil molds.
If using paper cups tie string to pencil and place other end in mixture to harden.
This will then enable it to be hung from a tree, or place molded mixture into a netting, like a suet bag when cakes are solid only. Needs no refrigeration.
Keeps well in a dark, cool place, such as a corner of the cellar.
Good for many different kinds of animals,birds,squirrels,etc.