Would you like to make a difference?

Are you against school violence?

Do you want the schools to be safe for your children?

Do you dream of going to school, knowing that you'd be completely safe?

Do you like to dedicate yourself with making changes?

Are you a leader in new ideas?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are a potential person for SASS.

Joining SASS is quite simple, and it's free. There is no fee. It is completely voluntary, and is therefor a non-profit organization. No hidden fees or dues that you have to pay.

I'm sorry, but SASS currently is unavailable to accept any applications to join. Reason: Too many people joined, and were unwilling to actually help in the process. This proved to be too difficult to help SASS become a true organization. I am considering reorganizing SASS, but I cannot do it without your help. Please contact me if you would be willing to assist.
Thank you for your interest.

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©Copywrite Students Against Student Shootings 1997-2011